WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Orientation

WEB (Where Everyone Belongs), the exciting new program designed to orient and welcome the incoming 6th Graders in a FUN way, was in full swing yesterday at ETMS.

The new students were picked up by the buses and dropped off at the school entrance exactly as they will be when school begins next week. Dedicated teachers and staff waiting in the atrium then assisted the students in finding their new home rooms. After organizing their school supplies and learning how to work the locker combinations, the students spent the rest of the morning having fun! A rocking assembly, ice breaker games and group tours of the school curtesy of the 8th Grade Mentors were among the highlights of the day.

By lunch time, the children had worked up quite an appetite and were treated to pizza, breadsticks and cake curtesy of the ETMS Parent Group. Tired parent group servers were covered in pepperoni & icing by lunch end. But it was well worth the effort! Thanks to all who helped make the WEB program such a rousing success!

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